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Found 641 results for any of the keywords the prosthesis. Time 0.007 seconds.
William H. Harris Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications - JustiaUSPTO patent applications submitted by and patents granted to William H. Harris
Redo Knee Replacement Singapore: Know the Benefits, Risks RecoveryHaving a second or third joint replacement in the same knee? You may need a complex knee replacement. Consult orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Dutton in Singapore now.
Osseointegrated Prosthesis | facial-prosthesisOsseointegration is a technology where titanium implants are surgically implanted into the bone in the desired location. Magnets are used to retain the prosthesis to the implants. Implants are allowed to osseointegrate p
Rigi10™ Hydrophilic Malleable Penile Prosthesis - Semi-RigidRigi10™ is Hydrophilic Malleable Penile Prothesis offers easy to assemble for surgeons, comfortable solution for the patients.
Implant Prosthesis - RR Dental LabIMPLANT PROSTHESIS 1. WHAT IS AN IMPLANT? Implants are Titanium/Zirconia based material which are surgically placed inside the jaw which mimics the root of the tooth. 2. WHAT IS IMPLANT DENTAL PROSTHESIS? It is an artifi
Artificial Eye Centre in Delhi India, Prosthetic EyesArt Eyes India is a best custom artificial eye center in delhi, india. we provides custom artificial eye, ocular prosthesis, orbital prosthesis and prosthetic eye.
Testi10™ Saline Testicular Prosthesis [Prefilled] Testicular ImplantsRigicon® Testi10™ Saline [Prefilled] Testicular Prosthesis is designed with high-quality silicone to mimic the feel and shape of the natural.
Artificial Limbs in Hyderabad - IndiaA below-knee prosthetic leg, also known as a transtibial prosthetic leg, is a type of artificial limb designed to replace a missing or amputated leg below the knee. It is custom-made to fit the individual's residual limb
Advanced Center for Facial Prosthesis: Hyderabad, IndiaOcular prosthesis, Orbital prosthesis, Ear prosthesis, Nasal prosthesis, Midfacial prosthesis, somato prosthesis (finger, partial hand, toe, partial foot)
Custom Artificial Eyes : Worlds Best Artificial Eye CenterThe loss of an eye or any part of the face in most cases will cause extreme apprehension and disbelief to the person involved; additionally it affects one’s social and professional life. Cosmetic rehabilitation with cust
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